Whenever I have a leftover bouquet of flowers, I love to do this project with the kids. It's called flower printing. It's simple and the finished product is beautiful.
I don't wait for the flowers to die totally because if they are too dry they will just flake away as you handle them, but when they still have a little life to them, I snip some flowers from about mid stem, it's a good handle, and give a few to the kids. I try to give them a variety if possible and I snip the leaves for them as well, so they have different prints.
The kids fill their own pans with paint. I have used water color in the past and made homemade stamps but it really wears on the flowers, and can get a little sloppy. Best done by older kids, but the tempera paint version is just as nice in my opinion and easier for little ones to just dip and stamp. And that's all there is to flower printing. Just dip and stamp. Look at how beautiful the finished product is! And of course the girls loved to put the flowers in theor hair!